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  • Abbie Saline

4-29-2020 Capstone Reflection #4

Since my last reflection I have finished my capstone project and presented. I just wanted to reflect on all of the learning and knowledge that I gained through this project. In this project I got to learned a lot about myself and how I want to improve in the future.

Since this outbreak and international pandemic this project has changed a bit. I had the bulk of my research done beforehand but the layout of my presentation was changed. Instead of a formal presentation in person we switched to an online video format that was more informal. Prior to the change I had already prepared my speech to give in person. I had to change up my format and information to accommodate the changes in this world. Though this the message of my whole project really struck me. If I had placed my whole identity in this project then any changes likely would have devastated me but in knowing that I was more than just a student I was able to take the changes and work to go with them.

From this project I learned a lot about pushing through the mental walls, outside adversities, and being flexible. In these challenges I was able to learn about how I best deal with them. When I hit a mental block I would move onto a task that interested me and then come back to the task I struggled with. Often moving to an mindless task that I could complete allowed me to feel accomplished and motivated to go back to the task I was struggling with. When I encountered outside struggles I learned that I react badly initially but taking some time allows for me to come to terms with the situation and realize it is not the end of the world. Because of the pandemic I have been forced to learn to control what I can and be okay with what I can not. I have known this but the current situation has forced me to be that way.

In presenting online I have learned a few things. Humans are so reliant on visual cues for feedback, research says anywhere from 60%-90% of communication is visual cues. Video presenting requires more intentionality and preparation in the words spoken, the actual presentation, and how you will connect to your audience. In my speech I made sure to have a few slides to emphasize my points, show my face a majority of the time, and have audience participation to break up my talking. This means that the audience can still take some visual cues from me and interact with me through the questions I asked rather than zoning out for long periods of time.

This project has been so good in forcing me to maintain my attention and focus on one subject and keeping a timeline. I have learned a lot about how I want to be in the future and what my focus on life needs to be.

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